I wrote in my previous post that Cantor and Zassenhaus' algorithm of polynomial factorisation over finite fields can be divided into three stages:
According to Modern Computer Algebra, "the second stage consumes the bulk of the computing time". In 1998 Erich Kaltofen and Victor Shoup designed a new approach to distinct-degree factorisation which allows to decrease it's cost. This strategy is called "baby/giant step" and exploits the fact from number theory:
- squarefree factorisation
- distinct-degree factorisation
- equal-degree factorisation
(in the standard Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm the squarefree factorisation step is merged with the algorithm itself)
Lemma. For nonnegative integers $i$ and $j$, the polynomial $x^{q^i} - x^{q^j} \in F_q [x]$ is divisible by precisely those irreducible polynomials in $F_q [x]$ whose degree divides $i−j$.
The proof is easy: if $i \geq j$ then $x^{q^i} - x^{q^j} = (x^{q^{i-j}} - x)^{q^j}$. From the Theorem from the previous post we know that the factorisation of $x^{q^k} - x$ consists of all irreducible factors whose degree is a divisor of $k$.
Now it's possible to formulate the algorithm:
Fast distinct-degree factorisation (DDF)
Input and output
This algorithm takes as input a square-free polynomial $f \in F_q [x]$ of degree $n$.
The output is $f ^{[1]} , . . . , f^{[n]} \in F_q [x]$ such that for $1 \leq d \leq n$, $f ^{[d]}$ is the product of the monic irreducible factors of f of degree $d$. The algorithm is parameterized by a constant $\beta$, with $0 \leq \beta \leq 1$.
Step 1 (compute baby steps)
Let $l = \lceil n\beta \rceil$ . For $0\leq i\leq l$, compute $h_i = x^{q^i} \mod f$.
Step 2 (compute giant steps)
Step 2 (compute giant steps)
Let $m = \lceil \frac{n}{2l} \rceil$ . For $1\leq j\leq m$, compute $H_j = x^{q^{lj}} \mod f$.
Step 3 (compute interval polynomials)
For $1\leq j\leq m$, compute $I_j = \prod\limits_{0\leq i\leq l}(H_j - h_i) \mod f$ .
(by Lemma the polynomial $I_j$ is divisible by those irreducible factors of $f$ whose degree divides an integer $k$ with $(j-1)l < k \leq jl$)
Step 4 (compute coarse DDF)
In this step, we compute polynomials $F_1, ... , F_m $ where $F_j = f^{[(j-1)l+1]} f^{[(j-1)l+2]} ... f^{[jl]}$. This is done as follows.
$s\leftarrow f;$
for $j \leftarrow 1$ to $m$ do
$\left\{F_j \leftarrow \gcd(s, I_j); s\leftarrow \frac{s}{F_j}\right\}$
Step 5 (compute fine DDF)
$s\leftarrow f;$
for $j \leftarrow 1$ to $m$ do
$\left\{F_j \leftarrow \gcd(s, I_j); s\leftarrow \frac{s}{F_j}\right\}$
Step 5 (compute fine DDF)
In this step, we compute the output polynomials $f^{[1]}, ... , f ^{[n]}$.
First, initialize $f^{[1]}, ... , f^{[n]}$ to 1. Then do the following.
for $j \leftarrow1$ to $m$ do
$g\leftarrow F_j ;$
for $i\leftarrow l - 1$ down to 0 do
$\left\{ f^{[lj-i]} \leftarrow \gcd(g, H_j - h_i); g\leftarrow \frac{g}{f^{[lj-i]}} \right\}$
$\left\{ f^{[lj-i]} \leftarrow \gcd(g, H_j - h_i); g\leftarrow \frac{g}{f^{[lj-i]}} \right\}$
if $s \neq 1$ then $f^{[\deg(s)]}\leftarrow s$
Some technical remarks
1. Lemma. For any positive integer $r$ if we are given $h = x^{q^r} \mod f \in F_q [x]$, then for any $g \in F_q [x]$, we can compute $g^{q^r} \mod f$ as $g(h) \mod f$.
Now to perform Step 2 we set $H_1 = h_l$ and then compute each $H_j$ as $H_{j−1} (H_1) \mod f$.
2. Computing $f(g) \mod h$ is a so-called "modular composition" problem. For solving this problem one can use e.g. Horner scheme or Brent and Kung's algorithm (this also requires fast matrix multiplication).
By now I implemented the simplest version of the fast CZ algorithm: it uses Horner scheme in Step 2.
The next step might be to implement matrix multiplication and Brent and Kung's algorithm.
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